Proctor Exam: Should Your Business Go for it?

If you are planning to conduct an online test, you must use a tool. There are so many software and tools out there that are absolutely effective and professional for ensuring safety. Whether the test takers are taking a test form a remote area or right there; you can ensure that there remains genuineness.

You can successfully conduct proctor test and there won’t be even a smidgen of doubt on the credibility of that test. It is true that in corporate training, assessment is absolutely moving online. Whether it’s discouraging cheating during student exams or confirming someone’s identity during the time of assessments of employees, enforcing integrity online is getting a vital priority for institutions. The realm of technology and AI has definitely given a great relief to the businesses and institutions conducting tests. Remote or online proctoring tools and solutions are increasingly gaining grip with both educators and professionals.

These online proctoring software and tools use algorithms and machine learning to discourage cheating by automatically identifying any type of cheating-like behavior during online assessments. The tool tracks the behavior and patterns of the candidates during the assessment, and platforms often make use of secure browsers so authorities can decide how much flexibility candidates have to access certain website pages or applications.

Businessmen and professionals want to continue to grow and embrace new technologies that enable them to expand their existing footmark and provide more opportunities for candidates. The concept of online proctoring expands the scenarios because the candidates can take tests from any place or area.


Making use of online proctoring tools, the businessmen or educational instructors can also cater lessons to students or make sure that the candidates can take the test who is suffering from a disability.  The candidates might not have to travel to the office or campus for the test. They can take up the test right from their place and hence it boosts inclusiveness. Of course, if you have a candidate who is excellent but has got an injury in leg and cannot visit to take the test, you must give him a chance to show his caliber right from his place. Here, the medium that makes it possible for you is online proctoring.

Recorded proctoring

If you have a test in your organization and you have some candidates from another place, you can ensure that they can take the test through proctoring tools. Once you have installed the proctoring tools and the candidate taking the test has proper webcam, mike and computer; the test can go safely, genuinely and without any inconvenience. The idea behind recorded proctoring is that once the test is over, the professional proctor goes through the recording, the feeds and make sure that there is no suspicious deed took place, if he found anything suspicious or doubtful; actions can be taken there and then. For example, the applicant might get disqualified right there.

Moreover, during this recorded proctoring, the candidates taking the tests might have to fill in or enter in the key or combination of keys provided to them by the proctor so as to get started with the test. In this way, the movement of the candidates gets restricted to a great extent. They would solve the test with utmost attentiveness and without any cheating. Some tools even restrict the usage of any websites or platforms while you are taking the test. Hence, this is a good way of conducting test from a distance if you are planning to have one in near future.

Live proctoring

Then there is also this method of live proctoring. In this, the candidates take the test live. It means, the proctor keeps an eye on the candidates throughout the test and makes sure that no false actions are there. The behavior and movement of the candidate stays under supervision. In this way, the test takers can comfortably take the test and the organization can also make its peace with their performance because they would have their proctor witnessing the entire test duration. Of course, it might be little costly but worth having.

Why would you go for online testing?

Many organizations feel that it would be ineffective to go for online testing. They dodge the concept of conducting test online. Well, it looks they haven’t seen the perks associated to this concept. Have a look below:

Time saving

It is true that online tests do save a lot of time. First of all the staff members do not have to make arrangements of the chairs, sitting, room or so on. In this way, the staff you were to deploy for these tasks could concentrate well on the more important, core areas.   You would get the test conducted online and you end up spending time on that of the test time. No prior or after provisions are needed.  On the other hand it is time saving for the candidates too. They would not have to visit your campus and hence it saves a lot of their time. What if they stuck in traffic or otherwise? It would only end up in time wastage.

Inexpensive option

Online system of proctoring is an inexpensive method. If you are conducting the test online, you might not have to make as many arrangements as you had to otherwise. It means there would not be any type of room arrangements, sitting arrangements, paper work or so on. Since all these get eliminated, you can save a great amount. Proctoring test has given the ease to the businessmen that is both money and effort saving.

Data saved

Then if you are conducting online test, you would use a proctoring tool or software. The tool would make sure that the performance, information, data and everything related to the candidates get saved in the tool. In this way, you can refer to the data saved even down the lane. You would not have to rely on anything.

So, when are you planning to work on your methods of tests? It is high time you embrace proctor or online testing!