10 Healthy Foods For Women

In this modern era, people are too busy with their work. They do not get enough time to think about their health. As a result, they have to face various kinds of diseases, even in young ages, especially women. As a woman, you take care of your whole family, but a little careless about your own health. So, you can also take care of yourself very easily just by adding some of the healthy food items to your diet chart. Here are some of the foods which can protect you from various kinds of diseases. They must be added to your diet plan.


Eating walnuts on two ounces in a day will protect women from heart diseases. It is significant for proper blood flow in the body and also protects them from breast cancer. So, protect your vital organs by adding walnuts to your diet.

Dark Chocolate

Those women who consume cocoa on a daily basis have lower heart failure risk as compared to those who don’t. Cocoa is good for your heart because it contains polyphenols and flavanols, which act as anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the heart. So, eat dark chocolate that contains 74% or more cocoa. You can also eat dark chocolate cake. So, order a chocolate cake online and add it to your diet from today.


Taking oatmeal in breakfast on a regular basis will protect women from diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and so forth. The high fiber containing staple food like oatmeal will help you to keep your heart healthy. So, oatmeal is one of the best foods you can add to your diet to stay healthy.


Peanuts are a great source of cancer-fighting agents. It protects women from breast cancer, liver cancer, and so on. So, if you want to keep yourself healthy, then eat peanuts regularly. It will help you fighting from various kinds of diseases.

Sweet Potato

Taking sweet potatoes in breakfast is one of the best things you do in your life. Sweet potatoes protect women from eye-related diseases like eyesight, cataracts, and glaucoma. It contains carotenoids which can also give you healthier and more attractive skin.


If you are going to be a mother in the near future, then you should add spinach to your diet. It is very healthy for you and your unborn baby. It boosts your immune system and protects you from allergies, vaginal infection, excess weight gain, and so forth. So, it is one of the best food to improve your gut health during pregnancy.


Eating two eggs daily helps your body to absorb calcium and vitamin D, which are good for your skin, eyesight, heart, etc. It is also very healthy food for pregnant women. So, an egg is one of the most important food that must be taken by women on a daily basis to keep themselves fit and healthy.

Banana Shake

Banana is helpful for women during menopause because of the risk of stroke increases in women after menopause due to a decrease of estrogen. So, it is one of the most important things that must be taken by women on a daily basis. It contains high potassium which decreases the chance of strokes.


Mushroom is one of the most important foods for women that must be taken by them regularly. A woman who takes at least one-third of an ounce of mushroom a day has less risk of breast cancer and helps in producing estrogen. It also reduces the effect of aromatase.

Whole Grain Pasta

Whole grain pasta is one of the best sources of vitamin B which helps women’s body to convert the food into energy. So, eat whole grain pasta whenever you feel hungry because it makes your belly full along with giving you a gift of good health.

So, start adding these food items in your diet from today so that you can take these healthy foods on a regular basis to keep your body fit and healthy.