Here Are Some Most Basic Guidelines You Need To Follow:
- The Content for links that you submit must be unique & User-Friendly.
- You must have the right to post or redistribute the content or article submitted.
- The Unique SEO friendly Content should be at least 800+ words in length for publishing And Must have one feature and two images of HD Quality with size 800×600.
- You have to add 3 to 5 subheadings in your content.
- Your Content MUST NOT contain information that is against the law and any information on hacking, support for religious/terroristic fanaticism, trademark infringement or sex, adult, porn illicit drugs.
- Content should be fully informative, descriptive and grammatically error-less. 100% Unique and pass by copy scape.
- Mention relevant categories for your post with your content. If you did not find the category relevant to your business then our team can create a category relevant to your business.
How to Submit Content At a Glance?
- It is paid post site & price is only Rs. $30
- It is very simple to publish content on
- You don’t need to create an account and to publish your unique SEO friendly content.
- Your content will be live within 1-2 days depending on the workload on our team.
- If you face any problem please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
Some Reasons for Rejecting the Content:
- The Content contains is full of grammatical errors.
- Duplicate articles not published on our website.
- Challenging to read the content or it does not have useful information.
- If the content is too promotional or it reads like an advertisement.
Get Publish Your Content On For Indian User:
- Dear Content Publisher, I have to maintain our service. So For Getting Your Content Publish.
- Make the donation of a given amount and send your title and screen of the donation and the given below email. The international publisher can contact directly via a given email.
- You can also send your unique content with a donation screenshot with your title, our team makes your content live within 12 hours.
For more details Email at When you contact please mention the site name in the subject for which you are contacting us we have more websites for a guest post.
Thank You for visiting the website.