Epiphysiodesis is a surgical procedure that is aimed at fusing the growth plates in children in order to correct limb length discrepancy. It is a minimally invasive orthopedic technique that works on the principle of slowing down the growth of the bone in the limb to correct the discrepancy.
Why are Growth Plates Fused?
Bone growth in children is done by growth plates. In some children, the length of a limb (most commonly leg) is larger than another limb. So, to help the shorter bone catch up with the length of another limb, the growth plates present in the larger limb are fused to stop or slow down its growth. This surgical procedure may require the use of Orthopedic Implants and Surgical Instruments. Siora offers international standard quality orthopedic implants and the company is also a trustworthy orthopedic implants supplier in Romania.
Who Should Undergo this Surgery?
Epiphysiodesis or growth plate fusion is done in people with different leg lengths. This means the condition where one leg is longer than the other. This surgery is best performed at a younger age where the person is still in the growing phase, or we must say that the best candidates for Epiphysiodesis are children. This surgery is also known to be helpful in people with stunted growth where premature bone growth has stopped. Besides this, Epiphysiodesis can also be suggested in the case of congenital deformities.
Working Behind Epiphysiodesis
The type of growth fusion surgery will depend upon the end result that the surgeon wants to achieve. Based on that, either the growth of the long bone is permanently stopped or temporarily stopped. Sometimes, to correct limb length discrepancy some portion of the bone in the longer limb may be cut and the produced ends are fused using Orthopedic Screws.
Now, when the growth plates are fused, the body is not able to increase the length of the limb or we must say that bone growth is stopped or limited. Thus, the bone present in the shorter limb gets enough time to match the length of the longer limb.
What are the Complications and Possible Risks with Growth Plate Fusion?
Surgery is often accompanied by pain and similar is the case with Epiphysiodesis. After surgery, the patient may experience mild to moderate pain and that can be managed with the help of prescribed medication. The recovery period after growth plate fusion surgery generally depends upon person to person, and it is also important to perform exercises as suggested by the doctor.
Above all, there are also certain complications associated with Epiphysiodesis:
- Bone atrophy is one of the major possible risks associated with growth plate fusion surgery
- Issues with balancing may be seen
- Bleeding may also occur
- Scarring can occur
- Infection at the wound site is possible
- Wrongly timed surgery can result in the growth of limbs at different lengths
When to Follow-Up with Doctor After Epiphysiodesis?
The first visit to the doctor generally occurs two weeks after the surgery for the monitoring of the site where the incision was made and the flexibility of the knee. After that, the doctor may call 4-6 months after the first visit until he/she is sure about the recovery.
To get ISO standard quality orthopedic implants used in this surgical procedure and other bone fixation techniques, call Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. This more than 30-year old company specializes in manufacturing and supplying trauma implants like Hand Plating System, AFN Nail, and IM Nail in different countries of the world.